
Acupuncture is a holistic medical approach that treats the root cause of disease. This treatment is appropriate if you are experiencing acute or chronic:

  • Muscle pain/tension/weakness
  • Joint pain
  • Nervous system pain and dysfunction
  • Digestive disorders

Our Approach

We consider each client’s individual concerns and experiences and work to tailor treatments to your particular needs and therapeutic goals.

Person-centred Care

You are unique—your care should be too. We work with you to create a personal treatment plan.

Patient Education

We empower you to better understand your symptoms and care so you can make informed choices.

Evidence-based Care

We apply current, reliable research and evidence to inform our clinical approach.


Our team is our biggest asset. We work together across disciplines to offer you the best care.

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Acupuncture originated in China over 2000 years ago. Today it’s practiced around the world and has been extensively researched with over 13,000 clinical studies over the past 20 years.

An acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of very small, fine needles into specific spots called acupuncture points. There are over 400 acupuncture points on the body.

Acupuncture helps treat a wide variety of conditions because of its ability to stimulate the body to promote healing. It also regulates many important functions associated with pain relief, inflammation, tissue healing and stress.

Additional therapies may be combined with your acupuncture treatment including cupping, acupressure, electrical stimulation, and infrared heat therapy as needed.

  • Pain relief
  • Decreases inflammation
  • Promotes deep relaxation and calm
  • Improves muscle contraction, relaxation and nerve function
  • Regulates circulation and blood flow
  • Stimulates the immune system
  • Strongly stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system

An acupuncture appointment will take about one hour. At your first appointment, your acupuncturist will take a full history and do an assessment that can involve taking your pulse and checking your tongue. Your acupuncturist will then be able to discuss your diagnosis and treatment plan.

Acupuncture needles are tiny, single-use needles that are barely noticeable once inserted. You may feel a momentary pinch or tingling sensation that subsides in a few seconds. We make sure you are comfortable at each step.

The needles are left in place for 15 to 20 minutes. During this time and following the treatment most people feel a sense of deep relaxation.

Our Practitioners

We take an empathetic approach to your care and always provide the most up-to-date information and resources. We want to help you on your journey to recovery.

Not sure where to start? Call 250-475-1522, ext 1. and our patient care coordinators will help.

Acupuncture Sub-therapies


Where acupuncture meets neurology

A specialized treatment that harmonizes functions in specific regions of the nervous system

Neuro-acupuncture enhances nerve function, lessens pain, improves sensation and encourages healing by stimulating your nerves.
You may benefit from this therapy if you experience symptoms related to:

  • Central nervous system disorders—brain and spinal cord
  • Peripheral nerves including motor, sensory and autonomic nerve dysfunction
Learn More

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Visit our online booking site 24/7 or call 250-475-1522 and speak to a patient care coordinator to get started now!

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