
Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) therapy addresses your health and wellness holistically by helping you access inner strengths, gain insights and unblock creativity.

You may benefit from this therapy if you are experiencing:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Grief and loss
  • Relationship difficulties

Our Approach

We consider each client’s individual concerns and experiences and work to tailor treatments to your particular needs and therapeutic goals.

Person-centred Care

You are unique—your care should be too. We work with you to create a personal treatment plan.

Patient Education

We empower you to better understand your symptoms and care so you can make informed choices.

Evidence-based Care

We apply current, reliable research and evidence to inform our clinical approach.


Our team is our biggest asset. We work together across disciplines to offer you the best care.

Learn More

Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a music-centered therapeutic method of self-exploration developed in the 1970s by Dr. Helen Bonny. It aims to bring together emotional, mental, physical and spiritual aspects of wellbeing.

GIM is unique in that it combines many different experiences and methods without lessening any of them. Specifically, aspects of GIM can be meditation, music therapy, dreaming, hypnosis, art therapy, spirit journeys and counseling.

Your therapist will choose music for you based on your goals. During a session, they’ll guide you into a state of deep relaxation. Then together you’ll explore the mental imagery, feelings, and memories that arise spontaneously with the music. Your therapist’s role is to support and deepen the experience as your imagery unfolds.

Thinking in images began long before people developed the ability to think in words. Neuroscientists suspect that approximately five percent of our actions are conscious. This means the other 95 percent are motivated by processes beyond our conscious awareness.

Accessing your unconscious mind is a powerful way to make a change in your life. It is appropriate for you if have experience with self-reflection and already have some insight into your sources of tension. The music used in GIM may help you connect with areas of yourself you’ve not yet explored. In this way, GIM is an excellent tool for personal growth, including exploring spiritual beliefs and life goals.

What to expect

Appointments: About 1.5 to 2 hours

During your initial appointment, your therapist will:

  • Have a discussion with you about a therapeutic focus for the session
  • Help induce a meditative state through guided relaxation
  • Provide a music-imagery experience
  • Help you bring closure to the imagery experience, and return to an alert state of consciousness
  • Support you to integrate your insights into your daily life

Our Practitioners

We take an empathetic approach to your care and always provide the most up-to-date information and resources. We want to help you on your journey to recovery.

Not sure where to start? Call 250-475-1522, ext 2. and our patient care coordinators will help.

Contact Us

We’re located in Vic West, a historic neighbourhood just across the harbour from downtown Victoria, B.C. Our two locations are only 300m apart. Each offers its own set of disciplines for health and wellness. We want to get to know you.

reach out!