Graham Robertson

Massage Therapist

Acacia Westside


The most important aspect of care for Graham is to understand the person sitting in his treatment room. To look not only at the whole body, but whole life for potential triggers and irritating factors is important.

Graham has a special interest in the treatment of:

  • Chronic and persistent pain
  • Headaches
  • Injury recovery

Graham has gained extensive experience working in Victoria since graduating in 2005, beginning his journey with Acacia Health in 2007. Acacia’s collaborative approach to health, dedication to evidence-based interventions, and their sense of community keeps him inspired and passionate about his practice and promoting wellness.

One of Graham’s passions is cycling. He is an avid bike commuter who also loves to head out for fun rides on the weekend (weather dependent). Philanthropy is another area that Graham is very eager to be involved with. In addition to volunteering for local community events, Graham founded the Cycle of Life Tour in 2011. What started as a 3,000 km solo bike ride from Alaska to Victoria in support of the Victoria Hospice, has evolved into an annual 200 km group cycling event. To date, the Cycle of Life Tour has raised over $2.5million for hospice care on Vancouver Island. In 2017, Graham received the Governor General Sovereign Medal for volunteers from his work with the Cycle of Life Tour.

Graham’s enthusiastic attitude towards the practice as a massage therapist makes him a valuable asset to the therapeutic community and he is excited to share his passion and skill as part of the Acacia Health team.

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